May was a month for family. It had been a long time since the whole west coast family were here and we got 4 out of 6 in May. David was able to telework from our house so he planned on spending most of the month with us both working and playing here. We were looking forward to maybe some hiking, swimming and playing pickleball. These activities unfortunately were shut down when the week before coming he badly sprained his ankle and spent the whole time in a boot. This didn’t keep us from having fun though. It just changed what we could do.
It was Mother’s Day shortly after David arrived and I was treated by David to a beautiful breakfast:

About a week after David arrived Tessa came for a week. Tessa was able to play pickleball and did so almost everyday. Everyone seemed to love having her and she did very well.

She came on a Tuesday so beside pickleball we also went on a picnic to Natural Bridge and then to MassMOCA. We were also joined by David’s friend, Travis, who used to live next door to us when the boys were growing up.

This was a Raven’s nest we found
This is looking down into the water through rocks

There was also a Mexican Train Dominoes game we played with our friend, Claire who owns the Solar Store downtown which is just next to a nice green space so we could played outside with her and another friend Clarita.
Sam and Tionna arrived on Saturday so we were all together for the weekend. Had some fun visits to Shelburne Falls to see the Bridge of Flowers, glacial potholes and of course a visit to my arts co-op.

We also went to the Magic Wings Butterfly house. That was a really fun time.

David had given Denny a wonderful birthday present of tickets for the Red Sox/ Mariner’s game for the 3 men. Tionna had never been to New England before so we thought we’d make a day of it in Boston. We took 2 cars and left one at the train station in Fitchburg and the other at the Alewife T station and all went from there. We went to Faneuil Hall for lunch and walked around the marina. Then went to the Aquarium which was fantastic as always.

Then went to the Aquarium which was fantastic as always.

Then Tionna and I took the T to Porter square for commuter rail and the guys went to the Fenway where they watched a fun game that the Red Sox won and got home very late. Early Saturday morning Sam and Tionna went home.
That day was Bee Fest in Greenfield where we celebrate Lorenzo Langstroth, the inventor of the bee hive that is still in use today. In 1853, Langstroth had moved back to Greenfield, Massachusetts from Philadelphia, and published The Hive and the Honey-Bee (Northampton (Massachusetts): Hopkins, Bridgman, 1853), which provided practical advice on bee management and, after more than 40 editions, is still in print today. Langstroth on the Honey Bee was published in 1860. He was also the minister at the Second Congregational church in Greenfield. There were many activities for kids that revolved around Bees including a parade. Greenfield had decided that since we have become the ‘Bee City’ we should have large bee sculptures around town. Six of these were put out in 2021 and 3 more were commissioned for 2022. I had the honor of painting one – The Quilting Bee- which now sits in front of the Greenfield Savings Bank drive-through in a beautiful garden. The artists who did the new ones were escorted by the band to each of the new sites- the Garden movie theater, the bank and back to the Greenfield Gallery where the one for the new library sits until construction is complete. Denny, David and his friend Zak were there to take pictures.

Monday David wasn’t feeling well and took a rapid test which was positive. Although Denny and I were negative we all got a PCR. That night Denny had a hard time breathing and the next day when we got the results of the PCR he was also positive. Fortunately I never got it but they were worried about Denny and put him on antivirals. Both he and David didn’t get really sick thankfully and in a week were negative. David’s return home was delayed 5 days (lucky for us but a bit inconvenient for him) although he got another chance to spend time with his friends here.
With David gone I had a job to do. Howie’s daughter and son-in-law, Jenny and Yanis, are having a baby in mid-September and the nursery needed some fun painting. The month of June was consumed with creating designs and painting them on the walls of the nursery. I just finished a few days ago. Jenny and Yanis are so dear it was such a pleasure working there.

Wall over the crib

Here are some pictures of the room with furniture and Yanis and Jenny in front of the wall.

7 responses to “May and June 2022”
Wow what fun but you must be exhausted
I’m starting to get back to normal. Now I have to deal with a very neglected garden.
Brave travels given a boot and several COVID’s, but it still looks as if you had fun. Loved the collection on the new baby’s walls. You have such a great imagination and color sense!
Great family memories.looks like it t was enjoyed by everyone. The nursery paintings are so colorful
Loved it! What a couple of busy and fun months you’ve had! 🥰
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Wow, talk about busy! Sounds as if despite some setbacks and unexpected developments you and guests had a wonderful time. Love, love the art work also.
A month late but what a wonderful time with family ❤️ That nursery is wonderful! So glad that Denny didn’t get too sick 🤗. Looking forward to seeing you this winter!