It has been a hot and dry summer. My gardens are weedy and thirsty because it was either too hot or I was too busy to do much about them. We also have a water ban, so no watering. But I still managed to play pickleball early in the morning and then thankfully we were all invited to swim in Howie’s pool. We decided to surprise Howie for his generous hospitality by creating some fabric panels with silhouettes of some of us playing pickleball. We left a spot for Howie’s silhouette to be added after he saw it. We got the silhouettes done on days he was working and took the fabric to my studio and painted it there. We even got Mollie’s paw prints to run across the bottom. When we finally were done and hung it at the end of the courts he got to see it and seemed to be very pleased. When we painted Howie in we added a large donut in his hand as he is always bringing us donuts.

Another artistic thing I did was paint a floor cloth for my friend Beth’s kitchen. It was actually a replacement for one I’d done years ago that was getting pretty worn.

But the real reason I am writing this short blog post is because after years of not doing any updates on my website I have finally figured out how to do it and put it in WordPress so I can continue to keep it up to date. I hope you will look at the rest of the site and let me know if you like it and if there are any things I should change. I appreciate the feedback. Also some of you tried to sign up to follow me and didn’t know how. I don’t get what you see so I’m not sure but if you make a comment on the blog it may ask if you want to follow me. I think that will work. If not I’ll keep looking for a way and let you know.
8 responses to “Summer of ’22”
Quite a creative backdrop for your pickle ball. How nice a pool is available.
Nice backdrop. And swimming too. Good for you all
Love the floor cloth!! — and the black background.
As usual Nancy, Denny, you two cease to amaze. Besides the creativity, where you get all that energy? You’re an inspiration to me to update’s 30-ish pages.
Elbert 👋
Always fun knowing what you are up to.
Lovely gift for Howie! Love it!
And beautiful floor mats too!
You continue amaze me.
Cynthia ☺️
Love the pickle ball mural and can’t wait to use my beautiful new floor cloth!! Your work continues to be stunning, creative, and so varied, Nancy. What fun to see each piece emerge! I, too, love the black background.
Love the pickle ball mural and can’t wait to use my beautiful new floor cloth!! Your work continues to be stunning, beautifully executed, and so varied, Nancy. What fun to see each piece emerge! I, too, love the black background.