Swallow Togetherness

Black-throated Green Warbler

Poppies and Peonies

Dragonfly on Poppy

“Sandhill Cranes in a Field of Poppies” “A Boy and his Dog in Poppy Field”

“Hummingbird Moth on Poppy”

“Hummingbird on Poppy”

“Bobwhite in California poppies”

“Ant on Peonies”

“Swallowtail on Peony.” “Katydid on Peonies”

“Inchworm on Peony”
South Africa

“I’m Horny”, “Pale Chanting Goshawk”, “Penguins on the Rocks”
” The Pride”


“At the Waterhole”

“Hip, Hippo, Hooray!” “Lesser Bush Baby”
“Bathtime for Flamingo “Lilac-breasted Roller”

“Jacaranda and Friends”

“Bateleur” “A Ramification of Impalas”
Southwest Birds

“Opposites Attract” “Aren’t We Magnificent”

“Western Screech Owl” “Am I Blue?”

“Yellow-headed Blackbirds”

“Western Tanager”

“Pyhrruloxia and Cardinal”. “Green-tailed Towhee”

“Elegant Trogon”
Other Bird Paintings

“Golden-crowned Kinglet”

“Quizzical Eagle”

“Aren’t I Great?”

“Eastern Towhee”

“Common Redpoll”

“Barn Swallow”